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Where In Europe American Travelers Can Pay Up To 59% Less Thanks To Strong Dollar

Consumer prices in Europe have risen by about 9%, exceeding experts’ predictions, and showing no signs of a slowdown. Current forecasts indicate that prices will peak toward the end of the year and then fall rapidly in 2023.

Until then, travelers looking for a good deal should check how inflation – not just exchange rates – is affecting prices in each destination on their list.

Travelers can save up to 59 percent on their travel costs or spend an additional 7 percent.

Here is a ranking of how much more or less your dollar is worth in popular European destinations, given the value of the currency and inflation.

According to Bloomberg, the best prices can be currently found in…


In March 2020, $100 = 609 lira

In August 2022, $100 = 1,795 lira

But with inflation, a meal that once cost 609 lira ($100) now costs 744 lira ($41)

59% less expensive


In March 2020, $100 = €89

In August 2022, $100 = €98

But with inflation, a meal that once cost €89 ($100) now costs €96 ($98)

2% less expensive

You’ll pay the same prices as before in…


In March 2020, $100 = 662 kroner

In August 2022, $100 = 730 kroner

But with inflation, a meal that once cost 662 kroner ($100) now costs 728 kroner ($100)


In March 2020, $100 = €89

In August 2022, $100 = €98

But with inflation, a meal that once cost €89 ($100) now costs €98 ($100)


In March 2020, $100 = €89

In August 2022, $100 = €98

But with inflation, a meal that once cost €89 ($100) now costs €98 ($100)


In March 2020, $100 = €89

In August 2022, $100 = €98

But with inflation, a meal that once cost €89 ($100) now costs €98 ($100)


In March 2020, $100 = €89

In August 2022, $100 = €98

But with inflation, a meal that once cost €89 ($100) now costs €98 ($100)


In March 2020, $100 = €89

In August 2022, $100 = €98

But with inflation, a meal that once cost €89 ($100) now costs €98 ($100)


In March 2020, $100 = €89

In August 2022, $100 = €98

But with inflation, a meal that once cost €89 ($100) now costs €98 ($100)

The post Where In Europe American Travelers Can Pay Up To 59% Less Thanks To Strong Dollar appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.

By: Maria Valencia
Title: Where In Europe American Travelers Can Pay Up To 59% Less Thanks To Strong Dollar
Sourced From: www.travelinglifestyle.net/where-in-europe-american-travelers-can-pay-up-to-59-less-thanks-to-strong-dollar/
Published Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2022 13:43:35 +0000

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