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Remote Work Here To Stay, Employees Pushed Back On Returning To The Office

When COVID-19 first sent a shockwave through the world economy, employers and employees alike expected that remote employment was a temporary way to continue working. Now that the pandemic is coming to a close, it’s become clear that such ideas were unrealistic.

Many employees realized they loved working at home: It obliterates commutes, increases many individuals’ productivity, and enhances (or even creates) work-life balance.

While some companies have taken note of these benefits and offered employees the option to stay remote, others have not. Inflexible businesses might pay a high price, sacrificing employee retention just to keep remaining employees in an office environment.

Some workers report that their employers have notified them of a return to the office without providing time to figure out scheduling issues like child care. Even employees without scheduling issues have expressed frustration over inflexible demands to return to in-person work.

Though employers might believe they’re in positions of power, it doesn’t always work out that way. In recent months, many people have quit their jobs, joining what some are calling the Great Resignation.

Disasters often inspire people to reassess their lives, and the pandemic is no exception. Workers who’ve enjoyed remote work find it difficult to imagine going back to the way things were before, and they’re willing to leave behind employers who don’t respect that.

Some companies that initially rejected continued remote work have rethought the matter and decided to offer hybrid options. With hybrid plans, employees spend most — but not all — of their work hours at home.

Workers, who refuse to go back full timeshare one question for their employers: If they do a good job at home, what’s the real reason they should have to go back to the office?

It remains to be seen whether the Great Resignation will continue. If so, even the most recalcitrant companies might reassess their desire for employees to return to the office.

The post Remote Work Here To Stay, Employees Pushed Back On Returning To The Office appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.

By: Viktor Vincej
Title: Remote Work Here To Stay, Employees Pushed Back On Returning To The Office
Sourced From: www.travelinglifestyle.net/remote-work-here-to-stay-employees-pushed-back-on-returning-to-the-office/
Published Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2022 21:30:13 +0000

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