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Google Search Trends Shows How Remote Work Is Growing

According to Google data, global searches for the terms “back pain” and “remote work” are at an all-time high.

Since Google began recording data in 2004, search interest in back pain has steadily increased. Since the pandemic began, however, there has been a marked increase, leading some to hypothesize about a possible link between the expansion of remote work and ailing spines around the world.

It’s natural to be curious about the connection. Many remote workers have learned that kitchen-table chairs were not built to provide the lumbar support required for an eight-hour workweek. Ergonomic office chairs, on the other hand, have a clunky appearance.

Additionally, Google searches for “remote work” are also at an all-time high, surpassing levels not seen before the pandemic began.

It is likely that many who were looking for “remote work” at the beginning of the pandemic were just trying to figure out how to implement it. Most office workers already know about virtual meetings and the importance of keeping work and personal life separate. So why the current surge in search volume?

Unfortunately, Google does not have an answer to that question. Perhaps more people are searching for remote workplaces as companies make real efforts to encourage or downright force workers to return to the office.

Perhaps workers are looking for arguments and evidence they can use to convince their supervisors to allow them to continue working remotely. Or they may be stuck in the office and simply search for “remote work” on Google.

The post Google Search Trends Shows How Remote Work Is Growing appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.

By: Maria Valencia
Title: Google Search Trends Shows How Remote Work Is Growing
Sourced From: www.travelinglifestyle.net/google-search-trends-shows-how-remote-work-is-growing/
Published Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2022 14:42:05 +0000

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