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Cancun Authorities Urge Local Vendors Not To Overcharge Tourists During Easter

Foreseeing a massive arrival of overseas visitors during the Easter season, the Quintana Roo Governor Carlos González has urged local vendors to treat visitors with kindness, provide excellent service and not overcharge them.

Quintana Roo expects to receive 1.2 Million Easter visitors during the next few days.

“First, take care of them, because their safety is very important, so they can return home safely. Second, provide agile service so they can move around different destinations, and third, do not overcharge them and offer them quality products, no matter what they have bought or contracted,” the governor said.

“These things will able them to become tourism ambassadors of [Quintana Roo],” he added 

He also mentioned that several hotels are nearing capacity, with many currently above 90% in the most popular places. 

This is excellent news for the hotels of Cancun and Quintana Roo, which experienced occupancy restrictions during January and February due to the spread of Omicron.

Related: Best beaches in Cancun Hotel Zone

There is also a “Be Part of the Solution” campaign aimed at raising awareness among visitors and tourists about the legal framework they are subject to while in Quintana Roo.

As per Reportur.com, government officials in Quintana Roo, hotel organizations and the Ministry of Tourism have launched an anti-drug campaign for spring break to counter the potential influx of arrests during the season.

Visitors to Quintana Roo will be compelled to sign an affidavit stating that they are aware of local laws regarding the consumption and transportation of illegal drugs.

In this state, (as in others) people who litter, or consume alcoholic beverages or urinate on public streets may be subject to imprisonment or fines.

Drunken tourists walking around certain areas as well as those who show up at movie theaters while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs could get a -free pass- to clean Playa del Carmen off Sargassum seaweed.

The proposal was presented to the authorities in Playa del Carmen, who found it “interesting,” and now some vacationers have already turned their holidays into working days.

The post Cancun Authorities Urge Local Vendors Not To Overcharge Tourists During Easter appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.

By: Maria Valencia
Title: Cancun Authorities Urge Local Vendors Not To Overcharge Tourists During Easter
Sourced From: www.travelinglifestyle.net/cancun-authorities-urge-locals-vendors-not-to-overcharge-tourists-during-easter/
Published Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2022 19:59:58 +0000

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