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12 Best Travel MOSQUITO NETS for Camping in 2023

Mosquitos are annoying all around the globe. However, in some parts of the world, they also carry various illnesses with the potential to be deadly. That’s why it’s extremely important to protect yourselves from mosquitos, especially during the night, when they are the most active and when you are the most vulnerable. Therefore, we are coming up with a comparison of the best mosquito nets!

If you are backpacking in the tropics, a good and reliable net should definitely be a part of your travel gadgets kit. It will protect you from mosquitos, as well as all other kinds of insects that might want to join you in bed. And you will sleep much better knowing that you are protected, not having to swat the flying buggers all night long.

Check out the list below to find the best portable travel mosquito nets for camping or your next international trip. The included nets differ a lot in terms of their structure and intended use, so you should definitely be able to pick one that fits your needs perfectly.

Dimples Excel – Portable Mosquito Net

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The Dimples Excel Net for one person is one of the best options for travelers who like to pack lightly. It’s a streamlined net with one hanging point and bottom designed to be placed under your bed or sleeping mat to prevent even the most adventurous mosquitos from sneaking into your sleeping space. It’s an ideal mosquito net for camping out in nature!

This net has one great feature – its asymmetric shape. The bottom part of the net forms a rectangle in the shape of the bed, however, the “top of the pyramid” is not in the center, but closer to one side. This creates a more usable headroom, the lack of which might be an issue in smaller tents or under small and lightweight travel nets.

As we already mentioned, the Dimples Excel Net is extremely lightweight and portable. It weighs only 6 ounces and can be packed into a carrying pouch only 4 x 5 inches big. If you are traveling lightly, this is a great option you might want to consider to keep the total weight of your bags as low as possible, while also being protected from mosquitos and the diseases they carry.

Gloryfire Camping Mosquito Net

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Gloryfire Camping Mosquito Net is another popular net in the outdoor category. It’s made of very breathable mesh and therefore suitable for hot and humid climates.

It might not be as sturdy but it is very durable thanks to the reinforced hanging corners. You just tie them with the ropes to the nearest tree or bush and you’re all set for a peaceful night.

Its boxy shape also makes it a great choice for picnics and such. And even though the net is spacey, it can be packed down to 9.4 x 3.9 x 3.9 inches. It’s lightweight, too. You will only have to carry a pound extra if you take it out for your next adventure.

The Gloryfire net is also pre-treated with a mosquito repellent. You don’t have to top it up for at least a year and it will still be very effective.

Coghlan’s Circular Net

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Coghlan’s Circular Mosquito Net is the second product from Coghlan’s that has made it into this list. While the first Coghlan’s net has a cuboid shape when being used and requires multiple hanging points to stay upright, the circular net only needs to be attached to one point above the ground, which is a great advantage in many cases.

If you are using it indoors over a bed, you can tuck the net under the mattress for additional protection. If you are outdoors, it’s useful to attach the bottom of the net to the ground, so that it keeps the shape you want it to have.

It comes with a carrying bag very similar to that of #5 in this list and it’s quite a similar product overall, as well. The Coghlan’s circular net is a bit bigger though, with a circumference of 41 feet and a height of 8 feet, 2 inches.

L Runnzer Portable Mosquito Net Tent


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Are you looking to relax on the beach, in the forest, on a ferry boat, or in a similar setting and look up at the stars while concurrently being protected from mosquitoes, mice, bats, and other types of insects and small animals? If so, the L Runner portable mosquito net tent may be just what you are looking for.

This tent, which is made out of fiberglass, fits one person, is grey in color, and ranges in size from 26 inches in diameter when folded too, after expansion, with dimensions of 7 feet 2.6 inches by 2 feet 7.4 inches by 1 foot 11.6 inches. It weighs 3-1/4 pounds.

The bottom of it is waterproof as well. It is also really meshy in that there is even less space for mosquitoes or other insects to get through as compared to similar products.

A couple of other places where you could place this include your car’s roof or, depending on the size of your vehicle, inside of it.

This tent is easy to set up, generally taking seconds. Also, you do not need to connect it to anything else.

Kamp-Rite Insect Protection System

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Insect Protection System (IPS) by Kamp-Rite is not “just” a mosquito met. It’s much more. It’s basically a one-person tent with the inner layer made from ultrafine mesh designed to keep mosquitos and other bugs away.

It’s made specifically for outdoor use, as most tents are, and it’s perfect for warm climates where keeping insects out is one of the top priorities of keeping you safe at night. It also comes with a rain fly that you can easily attach to the inner layer and stay dry in case it starts to rain during the night.

The floor size of 84 x 30 inches is plenty for one person, although you might need to keep your gear out of the IPS to sleep comfortably. The “tent” packs down into a carry bag with carrying dimensions of 6 x 6 x 14 inches and a weight of just 6 pounds. That’s manageable for most people, but it’s fair to note that there are smaller and lighter options in this list.

Coghlan’s Mosquito Net

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If you are looking for a lighter and cheaper option for outdoor use, Coghlan’s Net might be a better fit for you. It doesn’t have a tent-like construction, but it can also protect you from the insects outside, at a fraction of the weight and the price.

It can’t “stand up” by itself like the Kamp-Rite IPS and it doesn’t have a floor. You need to hang the top corner from trees around you or something else and anchor the bottom corners into the ground, creating a cuboid insect-free space for a protected night’s sleep. The Coghlan’s Net is made in a single-wide and double-wide configuration.

If you like the cheap price, compact size, and lightweight of Coghlan’s Net, you’ve found yourselves a great product. However, make sure to consider the fact that this net needs to be anchored and hung on multiple points, which might make it less useful in some situations.

Hammock & Mosquito Net for Camping by Krazy Outdoors

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The Mosquito Net Hammock by a company called Krazy Outdoors is exactly what it sounds like – a hammock with a net. Or a net with a hammock? Who knows…

Nevertheless, it’s a great product for people looking for an affordable and lightweight sleeping solution protected from mosquitos and other insects. Sure, hammocks are not for everyone. Some people sleep great in them, while others prefer a bed or at least solid ground under their bodies during the night.

The Net / Hammock by Krazy Outdoors is crazy cheap and protects you from all the bugs that might annoy you in your sleep. What’s more, it’s reversible, which means it can be used without the net – for example when using it indoors.

Again, it has its negatives and it’s definitely not for everybody, but there is nothing to complain about, especially after considering the great price point of this product.

Sea to Summit Mosquito Box Net Shelter

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The Mosquito Box Net Shelter by Sea to Summit is in many ways similar to the #2 in this list. It also creates a bug-free box in which you can sleep or spend time without being annoyed by mosquitos and other insects.

The structure is supported by four top corners that need to be attached to something and the bottom is skirted to be tucked under your mattress or anything else easily. The material is an ultrafine mesh with500 holes per square inch, so it will keep even the tiniest insects away without any issues.

The Mosquito Box Net Shelter comes in two sizes – single and double. Both versions weigh less than 1.5 pounds and can be stored in a handy carrying pouch that also includes four corner tie cords and 4 peg loops.

twater Carey Pop-up Mosquito Net for Sleeping Bag

mosquito net for camping for sleeping bag

We’re bringing up this kind of mosquito net as well! If you’re going camping or just planning to sleep outdoors in a sleeping bag, this mosquito net will serve you exactly.

We’ve all been in that situation when the sleeping bag wasn’t enough and mosquitos kept coming on our heads. That’s when you not getting any sleep!

This mosquito net is designed for exactly this purpose and does the job 100%. It’s very easy to set up. It pops up instantly and it’s ready to use in less than 1 minute. It might not be the smallest packaging but is highly effective.

Overmont Camping Hammock with Mosquito Net

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overmont hammock


overmont mosquito net hammock


overmont hammock


overmont mosquito net hammock

One of the biggest selling features of the Overmont camping hammock with mosquito net is its max load of 882 pounds, much more than the normal bearing capacity for these types of hammocks. However, if you are looking to have two people use it simultaneously, you should get the larger of the two options, which is 9 feet 2 inches by 6 feet 1 inch; the other is 8 feet 10 inches by 4 feet 7 inches.

Its material is nylon, and it comes in black and orange colors, which can be alternated. It has no seams, and, as a result, splitting is unlikely. Included with the hammock are two straps and two carabiner clips.

Backpackers should note that this would not be a good option if looking to go the minimalist route, but it is a solid choice if that is not the case. Also, do keep in mind that it is not waterproof although it tends to keep a significant portion of the rain off of you if you do end up caught in a storm while relaxing in it.

This hammock has also been shown to do a solid job of keeping mosquitoes and other pests out.

Universal Backpackers Net

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While all of the aforementioned products were meant for outdoor use at least partially, this one is meant specifically for indoor use, although there is nobody stopping you from spreading it over your sleeping bag outdoors.

Universal Backpackers Net has a very classical shape to it. It has one anchoring point that needs to be attached to the ceiling or something else, with a small ring underneath to help the net spread to cover the entire bed. The bottom can be tucked under the mattress to make sure mosquitos stay outside of your “safe zone”.

This net by Universal Backpackers comes in a sturdy circular carry bag with a hanging kit included so that you don’t need anything else to stay protected during the night. The package weighs only 0.8 pounds, although it can’t be too big to fit into some backpacks because of the circular shape.

Mekkapro Ultra Large Mosquito Net

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The Ultra Large Net by Mekkapro really stays true to its name. It’s huge. Definitely big enough for most uses you might put it through. It’s a white mesh net that can be used for camping, covering a king-size bed, or anything else that might need protection from insects.

The two large openings on the opposite sides of the net are ideal for many applications, for example for hanging it over a hammock. But hey, if you planned to sleep in a hammock, you might as well go for the Mosquito Net Hammock mentioned earlier in this list.

Regardless, this is a great product for an amazing price that’s more than big enough for the vast majority of people and users. It comes with a hanging kit, as well as a carry pouch that makes it great for your travels.

BONUS: Mosquito Head Net & Mosquito Jacket



On the less traditional front, let’s look at Tough Outdoor’s Insect Repelling Clothes. Made from similar mesh you’ll find on the other products on our list, what makes these separate items stand out is portability. Think about it, you mosquito-proof your tent, bed, hammock… But when you’re out on your trek, you’re still exposed.

This personal mosquito net has got you covered. It comes in three separate bug-repellent pieces, the head net, jacket, and pants. They’re lightweight, easy to see, and breathe through. The head net is wide enough that you can fit a boonie hat underneath it. Pair it with the jacket and pants, and it’s like an invisible hazmat suit shielding you from nasty summer bugs.

The best part? You get to protect yourself from the elements without harming the environment. A lot of chemical repellents work great, but they need to be constantly reapplied and can be toxic to the environment. With personal bug-repellent clothing, you get to take your adventure on the go without leaving harmful traces behind. And did I mention Tough Outdoors offers a lifetime warranty on mosquito repellent net clothing? You’re welcome.


How can I protect myself from mosquitos when traveling?Apart from using a mosquito net you can wear a long sleeve, stay in air-conditioned places, and use repellent spray or repellent electricity plugs (these are highly effective and prevent mosquitos from entering your room/house.

What’s the most effective way to kill mosquitos?If the mosquitos are already inside your room or house, look out for them on the wall and try to spray them with stainless spray or you can try to vacuum them! 

Can mosquitoes get through mosquito nets?YES, they can! But if you set up your mosquito net properly and you follow the instructions, the chances are very low. You might also need to adjust your sleeping habits in order to not change your mosquito net setup while you sleep.

What is FAQ?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

What is FAQ?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Dangerous Mosquito Zones Map

Why travel mosquito nets are essential in the tropics?

It’s kind of obvious, but the main reason why a net for mosquitos is an essential part of your travel equipment when going into a tropical climate is to protect yourself from the diseases that mosquitos and other types of insect carry. The most notable mosquito-borne disease is, of course, malaria, but there are many others, such as:

West Nile virusZika virusDengue feverYellow fever

The list obviously goes on, but let’s not focus just on mosquitos. There are also many other potentially deadly diseases such as Lyme disease from ticks, sleeping sickness from tsetse flies, and plague from fleas, not to mention various venomous spiders or other creatures that might also be present in the tropics. A good net can protect you from all of these and keep you safe during the night.

However, it’s not just about being protected from illnesses carried by insects and other organisms. Mosquito nets can also improve your night’s sleep. You’ll sleep better knowing you are protected from everything mentioned above. Moreover, you won’t be forced to keep chasing away and swatting mosquitos all night long, which is also a great plus.

So, if you are traveling into the tropics, a net will keep you safe during the night and help you sleep well. That being said, these nets are not just for the tropical climate. You can use them to enjoy an insect-free night no matter where you are or where you are traveling to.

How to pick the best mosquito travel net?

There are literally hundreds or maybe even thousands of different nets on the market. So, how do you pick the best one?

The first thing you should think about is the way you want to use it

Do you want to use a mosquito net inside or outside (or both)? Do you want to carry it in your carry-on bag with limited space and weight, or can it be a bit bulkier and heavier? Do you want it to stand on its own or will you attach it to something else that will hold it up? Do you want something cheap or are you willing to pay extra for added comfort?

There might be other important questions worth inspecting, but these should be enough. When you know what you expect your net to do for you, you will be able to pick at least one of the products mentioned in this article. I did my best to pick great options to cater for everyone.

I hope your new mosquito net will serve you well on your travels and keep you safe during the night.

Best travel mosquito nets

We hope you’ve found some useful information in this article and we would love to hear your feedback! Please comment below if you have any suggestions and recommendations for this comparison of mosquito nets.

Disclaimer: This article about the mosquito nets for backpacking contains some affiliate links. After purchasing via those links we might earn a commission. This little income helps us to keep running our magazine and we highly appreciate your support.

The post 12 Best Travel MOSQUITO NETS for Camping in 2023 appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.

By: Viktor Vincej
Title: 12 Best Travel MOSQUITO NETS for Camping in 2023
Sourced From: www.travelinglifestyle.net/mosquito-nets-backpackers/
Published Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 16:46:17 +0000

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